Northland MUFON Presents:
1-Year Anniversary Meeting!!
Michael Schratt
Saturday December 21st!
2:00pm-4:30pm Grand Rapids, MN and Fargo, ND
“Retrievals of the Third Kind”
In this detailed and highly illustrated presentation, Michael Schratt will present the most exhaustive examination into the Leonard Stringfield UFO Crash/Retrieval cases. Leonard’s sources included pilots, engineers, medical doctors, pathologists, high level Pentagon officials, U.S. Navy and Air Force personnel. These first-hand sources claimed to have had first-hand knowledge/interaction with alleged Extraterrestrial debris, bodies and recovered craft. Topics to be included are as follows: 1946 saucer retrieval at Wright Patterson AFB, 1947 UFO retrieval near Globe AZ, 1947 amazing discovery at Berkeley University, 1947 military retrieval of a UFO near Salinas CA, 1948 C-119 “Flying Boxcar” UFO retrieval with bodies, a startling discovery at the Pentagon in 1952, Warrant Officer observes three ET bodies at WPAFB in 1953, 1955 Mexican UFO retrieval south of Del Rio TX, the 1955 TOP SECRET warehouse of UFO components stored at WPAFB, the incredible account of a U.S. Marine who guarded a UFO for two weeks in 1963, UFO retrieval at Fort Riley KS in 1964, the most bazaar visit to the Air Force museum in history which occurred in 1965, TOP SECRET underground facility at Fort Hood TX, 1973 “tear-drop” shaped UFO recovery and the connection to Howard Hughes, Air Force photographer makes a shocking discovery inside a UFO during 1973, Challenger astronaut witnesses bazaar film of ET bodies at McClellan AFB in 1973, and many more. New cases to be covered include the crash of a base forward flying triangle in east Germany during 1989, the alleged Jackie Gleason 1973 ET encounter at Homestead AFB, 1953 Kingman UFO forced landing and the 1948 UFO Crash/Retrieval at Aztec New Mexico.
Michaels Bio:
Michael Schratt (private pilot/military aerospace historian) has lectured across the country on the unique subject of “Mystery Aircraft”, and classified propulsion systems buried deep within the military industrial complex. A guest speaker at the “OSHKOSH” AirVenture 2006/2007 event, (world’s largest air show), Michael has developed a number of contacts which have had first hand experience dealing classified “black programs”, including former USAF pilots, retired Naval personnel, and aerospace engineers that have maintained a TOP SECRET SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information) clearance. In an effort to expose government fraud, waste and abuse, Michael devotes much of his free time researching aerospace technical documents, conducting interviews, and travelling to multiple University archives. As a concerned citizen, it’s his belief that it is our Constitutional obligation to question authority, and demand an accounting of special access programs that bypass congressional oversight and public scrutiny.
Meeting Re-Cap
December 21, 2024, saw Northland MUFON host Michael Schratt for its 1-year anniversary. Michael describes himself as an Aviation Historian and this background served him well for his stunning presentation on Leonard H. Stringfield!
To begin, “aviation historian” alone does not do Michael justice. His knowledge of the topics of aviation and UFOlogy is beyond reproach! His presentation style is very succinct, informative and entertaining.
Born in 1920, Leonard H. Stringfield was director of Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO), and published a monthly newsletter, ORBIT. In 1957 he became public relations adviser for the civilian UFO group NICAP under the direction of Donald Keyhoe, a friend of his since 1953. From 1967-1969, Stringfield served as an “Early Warning Coordinator” for the Condon Committee. During the 1970s, he wrote a number of books about alleged recoveries of alien spaceships and alien bodies. In 1978, Stringfield served as UFO research adviser to Grenada Prime Minister Sir Eric Gairy. He authored and co-authored more than 15 books on the subject of UFOs, disclosure and crash retrieval.
Michael Schratt began his presentation by referencing Stringfield’s book, “UFO Crash Retrievals – Complete Investigation Status Reports”. This is an extensive collection of data from hundreds of crash retrievals including debris and bodies. Because this book has no illustrations, Michael enlisted the help of 2 artist/illustrators to provide visual references in his presentation. Another book that was helpful in putting the data together was “MAJIC – Eyes Only” by Ryan S. Wood. Those in attendance at this fascinating meeting likely heard about crashes never before published. According to Daniel Sheehan, a constitutional and public interest lawyer who has also been instrumental in gaining more transparency for the UFO community, the case files listed in “Project Blue Book” are only part of the story. It seems that is true based on the compilation of Leonard Stringfield’s data – there are many, many cases we’ve never heard of.
Even more interesting is the fact that we KNOW there are films, photographs, bodies, maps and pieces of debris that are stored somewhere. Michael and his team of investigators are in the process of researching and finding the real evidence that is still in existence but it’s a huge, painstaking process. Where are the Top Secret files? Likely 3 main locations: Wright-Patterson AFB, NSA headquarters in Maryland, and CIA headquarters in McLean, VA. The crash debris and bodies are likely held in several warehouses (think the warehouse scene at the end of “Raiders of the Lost Ark”) at McDill AFB, Seymour Johnson AFB, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Walter Reed Medical Center, and CIA headquarters.
This was such a fascinating review of relatively unknown UFO events and data, it was a shame that more people weren’t able to attend. As always, the video will be posted on the Northland MUFON YouTube page in the coming weeks.
“UFO Crash Retrievals – Complete Investigation Status Reports” by Leonard H. Stringfield
“MAJIC Eyes Only” by Ryan S. Wood
“Shoot Them Down! – The Flying Saucer Air Wars of 1952” by Frank C. Feshino, Jr.
“The Other Roswell” by Noe Torres
“Tell My Story – June Crain, the Air Force and UFOs” by James Clarkson
Geraldine Sutton Stith
Saturday November 23rd!
2:00pm-4:30pm Grand Rapids, MN and Fargo, ND
November 23rd Geraldine Sutton Stith presentation:
“The Kelly Hopkinsville “Little Green Men”
Meeting Re-Cap!
Wow! What a meeting. If you didn’t make this one your really missed out! Check our the recording on the Northland MUFON meeting Video’s below.
On Saturday, November 23rd, Geraldine Sutton-Stith captivated a packed room with her family’s extraordinary tale of the Kentucky Goblins. What began as a gathering for camaraderie and story-sharing quickly became the perfect setting for a remarkable family legacy—a story that’s full of mystery and terror.
Geraldine, a warm and gracious southern lady, stands as the voice of a story so chilling it’s hard to reconcile with her gentle demeanor. In 1955, her grandparents, father, uncles, and aunts were thrust into an unimaginable nightmare when bizarre creatures began appearing around their Kentucky farmhouse—peering in the windows, hanging from the trees, and scrambling across the roof. Fearing for their lives, the family armed themselves with rifles and shotguns, firing shots into the night as the creatures lingered. But the horror wasn’t over. Despite taking hits from buckshot that sounded like “BBs hitting a tin bucket,” the creatures didn’t retreat. There was a strange aura around them, almost like a “force field” that made them seem impervious to the family’s attempts to protect themselves.
Geraldine’s grandmother, a devout woman, made it clear there was no moonshine involved in these events, refuting rumors that might have explained the terror away. When the chaos subsided, the family fled to the nearest town, Hopkinsville, to report what had happened. The local sheriff contacted the military, who came to investigate and found undeniable signs of a battle—spent shotgun shells, bullet casings, and bullet-riddled walls and windows. Despite the military’s intervention, the creatures returned again that night, only to vanish with the rising sun.
But the mystery didn’t end there. A large, 34-foot-wide circle appeared in the woods behind the house where something had apparently landed, and to this day, nothing grows in that patch of earth. A few days later, the sheriff reported seeing a large craft in the sky, adding further intrigue to the already unsettling events. Yet, once the story leaked, the family’s property became a spectacle—crowds of people, including police and reporters, descended on the Sutton homestead, hoping for a glimpse of the creatures. But the Goblins were long gone, and the family was left to endure ridicule and invasion of privacy. Strangers even stole souvenirs from the property, furthering the family’s trauma.
For decades, the Sutton family refused to speak about the incident, but Geraldine bravely broke the silence to share their story with us. We’re incredibly grateful for her courage in preserving this remarkable part of history, and we’re honored to hear it firsthand.
MUFON champions the importance of telling our stories, and we’re thrilled to offer you a chance to support Geraldine. Visit her Etsy shop, AliensandGoblins, and be sure to enter the raffle for a chance to win a copy of one of her books, which she graciously donated for our December 21st meeting. Join us for our 1-year anniversary party, where we’ll have more door prizes and unforgettable stories. We hope to see you there!
Geraldine’s Bio:
Geraldine Sutton Stith was born in the small community of Kelly, Ky. Kelly, which is now known for its 1955 alien encounter, has become a large part of Ms. Stith’s life. The story has been passed down from many family members who were present the night of one of the greatest encounters ever told. Said by many ufologists to be the granddaddy of UFO encounters. Ms. Stith has written two books. “Alien Legacy” and “The Kelly Green Men” which are helping to keep this great story alive. Being the eighth of twelve children on a farm in the community of Trigg County there were always adventures and the night sky to keep you wondering. Moving to Brandenburg, Ky in 2018 along with her husband Chris and many fur babies the tranquility of this small river town is just what was needed to think and create new ideals. Writing a brief manual “Where is Kelly Ky” and a children’s book “A Strange New World” along with many creative handcrafted treasures. She is always keeping her eyes to the sky wondering if there will be a second visit!
Etsy Shop: aliensandgoblins
Grant Cameron
Saturday October 26th!
2:00pm-4:30pm Grand Rapids, MN and Fargo, ND
October 26th Grant Cameron’s presentation:
“Boys and Their Toys – Discloser?”
This was an exciting meeting.
Meeting Re-Cap
Whew! What a wild ride Mr. Cameron took us on last Saturday! For this particular historian, who takes notes during every presentation, it was difficult to transcribe and comprehend the literal PILES of information this man has accumulated over the decades.
With over 15 books to his credit, another soon to be released and more planned beyond that it is hard to believe one person can commit this much information to memory but that is what he does.
Mr. Cameron took us through more than one presentation, in essence trying out 2-3 upcoming presentations, each with different concepts and points of view. He has documentation and photographs from the earlier years of the phenomenon that a lot of us have never seen before but is part of the historical record of the US and Canada.
Of note, since we are in an election season, he explained that every president since Harry S. Truman has either been briefed on the UFO phenomenon or has had their own experience. Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton all had experiences. Remember the Rockefeller Initiative? The Clintons were hoping that a billionaire could potentially open up the books on the phenomenon as they were sworn to secrecy. However, nothing ever came of it.
Grant believes that real disclosure will not come from the government but will come from experiencers. The government “cannot track the lights in the sky” but they can definitely track contactees. They are not really interested in finding out what the phenomenon is, but rather weapons and technology. The answers will have to come from us. No pressure.
Finally, Grant discussed the Theory of WOW – that all beings, animals, plants and earth are all atoms and energy. This includes the unidentified craft seen in our skies, and this explains why they are able to disappear and reappear. Anti-gravity isn’t the most fascinating part of this phenomenon – it’s portals accessed by raising or lowering their vibration.
It was a lot to unpack and digest in 2 hours. If you are interested, I strongly urge you to check out Grant Cameron’s upcoming 2-part book, “The Big Game” where all of this is explained as only he can.
Grant Cameron is the recipient of the Leeds Conference International Researcher of the Year and the UFO Congress Researcher of the Year. He became involved in Ufology as the Vietnam War ended in May 1975 with personal sightings of a UFO type object which locally became known as Charlie Red Star. That story will be released July 1 by Dundurn Press in a book titled, Tales of Charlie Red Star.
These sightings led to a decade of research into the early work done by the Canadian government into the flying saucer phenomena. Cameron became the authority on the program and Wilbert B. Smith who headed it up. From here Cameron proceeded to do almost three decades of research into the role of the President of the United States in the UFO mystery. He is one of the foremost authorities on Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump and their UFO connection. Most of that research is found at the Presidents UFO Website – or in two recently released books “The Clinton UFO Storybook” and “Managing Magic: The Government’s UFO Disclosure Plan.”
After experiencing a mental download event on February 26, 2012 Cameron turned his research interests away from “nuts and bolts” research to the role of consciousness in the UFO phenomena. This new research has expanded out to the possible involvement of extraterrestrials in modern music, and in the aspects of inspirations and downloads in science discoveries, inventions, Nobel Prizes, music, art, books, near death experiences, meditation, and with individuals known as savants and prodigies.
Cameron has lectured widely in Canada, the United States and Europe. He was one of the 40 witnesses that testified in front of six ex-Senators and Congressmen in Washington for the “Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure.” He has appeared on many television documentaries on UFOs, and been interviewed by nearly a hundred radio shows including a series of appearances on Coast to Coast AM.
Cameron co-authored a book on the government UFO cover-up called “UFOs, Area-51, and the Government,” and a book, “Alien Bedtime Stories” which contains 72 articles on UFOs as they relate to the Presidents, consciousness, abductions, and musicians. He has just released three other books related to consciousness called “Inspired: The Paranormal World of Creativity,” “Tuned-In: The Creative World of Music,” and “Managing Magic: The Government’s UFO Disclosure Plan.”
Erling Strand
Re-Cap of Saturday September 28th!
2:00pm-4:30pm Grand Rapids, MN and Fargo, ND
Erling P. Strand has participated a lot of media. He has been a part of more than 100 different TV shows worldwide, from news to talk shows and documentaries. Ref: He has participated in around 120 different radio broadcasts, been a guest on more than 30 podcasts, and had around 180 presentations worldwide. P Strand has been on scientific expeditions in the outback of Australia, Mexico, and several in the USA, and in Hessdalen. He was the European representative of the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) from 2007 to 2013, where the main task was to organize conferences in Europe for the SSE. He is a consulting scientist at “the”. Norwegian representative of the “International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER)”. He is on the board of advisors for the Society for UAP Studies (SUAPS) and contributing member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU). He is an associate member of Interdisciplinary Research Center for Extraterrestrials (IFEX). He was also one of the key personnel of the International Earthlight Alliance (IEA) for as long as IEA was in operation.UFO-Data: page:
Meeting Re-Cap
The goal of MUFON is the scientific study of the UFO phenomenon for the benefit of humanity. Well, Professor Erling Strand knocked it out of the park on 9/28/24. He presented the nuts and bolts of what is needed to study this strange phenomenon and others like it. People who appreciate a solid scientific approach were given exactly that. The Hessdalan Valley is at about the midway point of Norway, south of Trondheim and is approximately 10 miles long. Professor Strand began Project Hessdalen I in the late 70s, having had a personal sighting of the anomalous lights in 1978.For three years from 1981 to 1984, there were 20 sightings a week and drew people from all over the world to watch. Now there are about 20 sightings a year. Because of this, Project Hessdalen was born. A “Blue Box” with an alarm was installed over the valley with many different types of equipment including magnetometers, spectrometers, infrared cameras, weather monitors, seismographs, and radar. The phenomena could then be monitored year round and the data studied almost in real time with the alarm notifying them of any activity. Of note, when people were present the radar would detect the anomaly even if there was nothing being observed. In the 1990s it was noted that there were not enough students in Norway interested in math and science. Professor Strand saw that students were interested in mysterious things and thought the Hessdalen Lights would be a gateway to ensure that young people would begin showing interest in the math and science fields again. In 1993, Project Hessdalen II was begun with all data being gathered but due to continued ridicule in the media, the information was kept quiet. Monitoring was performed with more people present including organized science camps for students (4 total camps throughout the valley), science workshops for professionals, and in 1994 twenty seven scientists from around the world joined the study and concluded that the lights are a completely new concept, something never seen before. The lights were determined to occur outside of known physics and guess what – they were no longer ridiculed in the press! Professor Hessdalen’s plan worked, and since that time there have been closeto 1,000 students joining the Project.There are other similar lights being studied in Italy and Australia with similar characteristics. In all locations there are some similarities including 1) The high geomagnetic activity in the area like “an electrical wire running through the earth”, 2) There is more activity in fog and high humidity, and 3) The activity can affect the electronics in newer cars! Maybe ask someone else to drive if you go. In 2021, Project Hessdalen III was was begun as Professor Strand had retired however, he is still on the Board of Directors. It is now a non-profit, and they will have a new website soon where people can become members for $5/month and have access to all of the data available. If you want to see the photos, video and data from the original Project Hessdalen go to and look for the observations area. We highly recommend you science-minded people go there to get your data fix – hehas compiled a lot! Northland MUFON was very grateful that Professor Strand was able to present this very well-researched topic.This month’s Joke of the Month was sponsored by the Itasca County Bigfoot Research Center. What is an alien’s favorite sweet treat? A Mars Bar….!Next month we welcome Grant Cameron for the October 26th monthly meeting. Can you believe the guest speakers we are able to get? It’s fantastic! We hope to see you there!
August 24, 2024
With summer break behind us, the Northland MUFON chapter picked up where they left off in June. This meeting was highlighted by attendees sharing their stories. One thing is for sure, people attend these gatherings because they HAVE seen something they can’t explain, and they are looking for answers. This meeting was very well attended in both Grand Rapids and Fargo!
Kenneth Thompson, an experiencer from northern Minnesota reviewed his book, “Encounter at Hill City”. Kenneth is an engaging story teller, and shared his abduction experience that occurred in 2017. His story includes some familiar abduction components but most notable was that he and his family felt they were gone for months only to discover once they were returned to home that the weather was seasonable and familiar – so atypical for the seasonal changes in Minnesota. What seemed like 6 months was probably only a few hours however, Kenneth noted that his beard had grown out fully….Very strange! His book is available on Amazon.
Other attendees’ experiences included a UFO sighting and a close encounter of the 2nd kind in Itasca County in Minnesota. Another person attending via Zoom told of his continued abduction experiences and subsequent hypnosis sessions to try to define more clearly what is happening during these episodes.
It is important to note that people who come forward with stories in this setting can count on anonymity unless they are okay with their identity being made somewhat public. Northland MUFON does ensure that identities are protected and private information is kept confidential.
Jerred Nelson reviewed several very recent cases that have been reported in Minnesota and the Fargo area in 2024. Most of these cases are still in process, awaiting data from various sources and further investigation by photographic specialists, but there are definitely some strange things flying around in the skies in the northland! Of note, the CMS Database of cases is up and running on the website again, so try to go take a look and review some of these fascinating sightings!
Anna is busily lining up some great speakers/presenters for the coming year so watch our site for frequent updates. September 28th will be a big one – mark your calendars for Erling Strand at 2:00 pm sharp! He is a retired Assistant Professor from Oslo University and will be giving a presentation on the Hessdalen Lights phenomenon in Norway. We hope to see you there!
You can Buy Ken’s book here: Encounter at Hill City
Northland MUFON & MN MUFON
will NOT have a meeting in July (2024).
The Beaches of our Home Planet are calling us and we must obey! We’ll be back in August. See you then!
Remer Bigfoot Days
“The Home of Bigfoot”
Northland MUFON is heading to Remer, MN for “Bigfoot Days” on July 5 and 6th. Although we don’t hunt for Bigfoot, there is evidence that our Furry Friend could be associated with ET’s. Whether they are ET’s themselves or part of the ET agenda we simply don’t know. All we do know is that Remer, MN “The Home of Bigfoot”, is celebrating the big guy with a special festival every year. This year we have been invited to attend and are looking forward to fun and festivities. Come out and join Anna, Jer, Keeley, Michele, and others. We’ll all be there getting the word out about Northland MUFON, what we do and how we help! Come meet us. We’d love to talk with you if you’ve had an event or experience you would like to share. Heck, we’d just love to talk with you regardless! While we are there we do plan on making a series of short video’s that will be featured on our YouTube Channel “Northland MUFON”. If you are willing to talk on camera we’d love to chat. If you are not, we’d still love the hear all about. Keep in mind that Anna and Jer are both on MUFON’s “Experiencer Resource Team”. A team set up my MUFON to help experiencers talk about and deal with the odd and strange. We understand if you are having a tough time, we can help! For questions contact us at
We’ll see you all in Remer July 5 and 6!
Event Re-Cap!
The little sleepy hamlet of Remer, Minnesota came to life on the July 4th weekend.
Remer is like a lot of small towns in rural northern Minnesota however, it is a gateway to the very popular vacation areas of Outing, Emily, Nisswa and the Brainerd Lakes Area. There is always quite a bit of traffic in the summer months but on this particular weekend it was exceptional! The Bigfoot festival is comprised of 2 days of activities including Bigfoot story time, scavenger hunts, bingo, a Bigfoot calling contest and Karaoke as well as several vendors and food stands.
Northland MUFON was set up in a great location, a small green space with a lot of shade trees, benches and a gazebo. The first night was pretty quiet but there were a few people who stopped by to purchase MUFON merchandise and share UFO experiences.
The second day was definitely the “big day” with hundreds of people packing into the small town, all sporting various types of Bigfoot regalia. People came from all over Minnesota and many had personal UFO experiences to share. These will be posted on the Northland MUFON YouTube channel.
Everything was going really well until some heavy clouds moved in, bringing a pretty good rain. The MUFON staff was on hand to protect the merchandise and literature, and the sun came out once again. Unfortunately, even bigger, badder clouds moved in with rain, wind and hail! This last storm was enough to send all but the MUFON group packing. They were the last ones to leave.
All in all it was a success. Maybe next year Mother Nature will be a little more cooperative!
June 22, 2024
June 22nd, Northland MUFON had Rich Hoffman give his presentation
“Investigating UFOs For 6 Decades: What Has Changed?”
Wow, what a meeting. Although we had a few technical difficulties at the start, Rich pulled through with a wonderful presentation. Originally Rich told us his presentation would take about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes. Rich talked for over 2 hours! He had lots to say and talk about. My only suggestion for you is to watch the Full meeting video on the Insiders page!
Great Presentation Rich!
May 25, 2024
If you were camping, fishing, napping, or working on Memorial Day weekend you missed an amazing presentation by Earl Gray Anderson on Saturday, May 25th, 2024. The meeting was hosted at the Fargo Public Library Northport in Fargo, ND and was broadcast live via Zoom in Grand Rapids, MN to an audience of very interested UFO/UAP enthusiasts.
Mr. Anderson was live via Zoom from Southern California, where he is the Southern California State Director of MUFON. His background in this fascinating topic actually began with his mother, who was employed as personal assistant to Howard Hughes of Hughes Aircraft fame. She had some inside knowledge of secret programs but was sworn to secrecy, as is so often the case. She did share some things with her young son Earl, not thinking that he would actually remember what she told him. Well, he did remember and has been trying to put the pieces of the UFO/UAP phenomenon together ever since. If you would like to hear more about his mother’s history with secret programs, you will have to watch the YouTube video of the presentation.
Mr. Anderson regaled the crowd with several reports from the CMS (Case Management System), all from California which has a rich history of UFO/UAP sightings including the infamous “tic tac” video case from 2017. He also has his own personal experiences, which adds an interesting dimension to his role as a Field Investigator. The CMS is now available on the MUFON web site, You can also go there to report a sighting anonymously and a local field investigator will be assigned to your case. All information is confidential.
Again, if you would like to hear about the cases discussed during the meeting, check out our YouTube videos! Or even better, be a subscriber at
This month’s joke was sponsored by Northland MUFON: “What did the alien say to the garden? Take me to your weeder!”
You won’t want to miss the June 22nd presentation by Rich Hoffman, “Investigating UFOs for 5 Decades – What Has Changed?” We hope to see you there!
April 27, 2024
The April 27, 2024 meeting of Northland MUFON was held on a rainy Saturday afternoon at the Grand Rapids VFW Post 1720 and via Zoom in Fargo.
The meeting was maybe not as well attended as it could have been but it was a real honor to host Charles J. Hall and his wife Marie. Charles was working for the military as a weatherman in the remote desert and had interactions with the Tall Whites for approximately 2-1/2 years. He gave a fascinating account of his experiences in an area called Indian Springs near Nellis AFB, with many, many stories to share. His co-workers did NOT want to be posted out in the desert out of fear of “Range 4 Harry”, one of the adult Tall Whites. His interactions with them and the other military was fascinating, and his knowledge and recall of the events that took place was stunning! Hardly something anyone could forget. Many thanks to Mr. Hall and his lovely wife for a great afternoon!
Zach was this month’s meeting sponsor and provided the Joke of the Month, “Who was the first deer in space? Buck Rogers!”
We are still working on uploading the videos to the Northland MUFON website however, this April meeting will be posted on YouTube.
The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, May 25th and will be hosted at the Fargo Public Library in Fargo. The guest speaker is Earl Grey Anderson, author of “My Known Unknowns”. You won’t want to miss this one!
I highly recommend Charles book Series Millennial Hospitality. Charles website can be found here:
Northland MUFON attended their very first conference during the weekend of April 13th and 14th 2024 in Baxter Minnesota. The “Brainerd Psychic and Paranormal Wellness Fair” was a huge success for the chapter. We had a table set up to showcase who were are along with some trinkets we sold for fundraising. We had a great time. Anna Scott, Michele Rinne, and Jer Nelson (along with the elusive Krissy) were able to “man” the table for most of the weekend. We met many interesting people and got several people to sign up for email announcements. Many of them joined us during our next meeting with Charles Hall.
A highlight of the event was the opportunity for us to give presentations. Anna Scott gave an awesome presentation “Consciousness and the ET Connection” on Sunday. While on Saturday Jer was able to give his presentation “They are Here”. Both Jer’s and Anna’s presentations will soon be (if not already) available via the “Northland MUFON in the News” on the Insiders page.
We really enjoyed our weekend and thank Terry Flick at for the opportunity. We hope we are able to make this an annual conference!
Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Northland MUFON
March 16, 2024
Saturday, March 16, 2024 at the VFW Post 1720 in Grand Rapids, Minnesota and at the Fargo Public Library Northport, Northland MUFON had its next meeting. We are excited to report that meeting attendance continues to improve with approximately 30 people present in Grand Rapids, About 18 present in Fargo and another 15 online! Northland MUFON was able to host well-known UFO and Bigfoot researcher, Stan Gordon. Stan has been researching these topics since the early 1970s and has extensive knowledge of the phenomena, including potential relationships between extra-terrestrials, Bigfoot and orbs that are often times seen together. Stan gave a 2-hour audio presentation and answered many questions from those in attendance. Northland MUFON welcomes anyone who wishes to attend meetings and share their stories. Meetings are typically held on one Saturday per month. We also welcome anyone who wishes to become involved in Northland MUFON and be a part of this exciting new community in northern Minnesota or North Dakota. We hope to see you there!
Stan’s website is here: Stan Gordon
February 17, 2024
Kathleen Marden, Niece of Betty and Barney hill spoke with us in Feb 2024 at our third meeting.
UFOS ARE REAL! The History and the Evidence Do you know that US Rep. Tim Burchett (TN) UAP Investigation leader of the House Oversight and Accountability Office is hosting the first congressional hearings on UAPs in 50 years? Yet the Pentagon is stonewalling Rep. Burchett’s efforts to provide accurate information to the American public. For nearly 80 years the US military-intelligence community has covertly investigated UFOs and concealed the facts. Learn the real history of government interest in UFOs and the evidence that UFOS ARE REAL in a well-illustrated PowerPoint presentation by archival researcher and author Kathleen Marden. Kathleen Marden has spent most of her life seeking answers to the perplexing nature of UFOs and ET contact through investigation, research, and experimentation. She joined MUFON in 1991, and quickly became a certified field investigator and State Section Director for NH MUFON. In 1996, MUFON appointed her to the position of National Director of Field Investigator Training. In 2011, she moved on as MUFON’s Director of Abduction Studies where she collaborated with a team of consultants to write the protocols for the “Investigation of UFO Abduction” which appears in the MUFON Field Investigator’s Manual. In 2012, she founded MUFON’s Experiencer Research (now Resource) Team. Over a ten-year period, Kathleen expanded her team from three members to forty-five trained, seasoned specialists and attracted several PhD and MD psychological and research consultants. She is now the Director Emeritus and Consultant to the ERT and serves on its Executive Committee. In 2003, MUFON dedicated its annual “International UFO Proceedings” proceedings to Kathleen Marden for her “most outstanding contribution to the Mutual UFO Network.” In 2012, the Mutual UFO Network presented her with its “Researcher of the Year” award. In 2015, MUFON dedicated its International Symposium Proceedings to her and her team for “working tirelessly to help experiencers from around the world get the help they need to cope with the extraordinary events happening to them in their lives.” In 2021, International UFO Congress presented her with its “Lifetime Achievement Award.” She has appeared as an on-camera commentator on thirty-eight television and video productions. (See IMDb’s list at Kathleen Marden – IMDb/). Additionally, she has spoken on innumerable radio shows and podcasts and has lectured across the United States and to audiences in foreign countries. She has authored and coauthored numerous books and articles in UFO magazines and journals. For additional information see her website at MUFON = The Mutual UFO Network. The Mutual UFO Network is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization that has been around since 1969. Dedicated to the Scientific study of the UFO/UAP phenomenon for the Benefit of Humanity.
See Kathleen’s website here: Kathleen Marden
Don’t forget to purchase of her books!
January 20, 2024
Larry Hancock from the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies was our very first Guest!.
Our very first guest! Larry Hancock, Board member of the Scientific Coalition of UAP Studies (SCU), tells all in his presentation of “UAP’s and National Security – From Project SIGN to Project AARO. Larry Hancock Bio: Larry Hancock graduated from the University of New Mexico, earning his BA with Honors and completing majors in history, cultural anthropology and education. Following service in the United States Air Force, he pursued a career in technical education, computer/communications, and technology marketing. Following retirement he returned to his interests in military and cold war history and became known as “document geek”, publishing several collections of CIA, FBI and military documents and becoming a board member of the Mary Ferrell Foundation, a major online interactive history archive. Turning to writing, he has a dozen books in print exploring covert action, deniable warfare, 1960s political assassinations, and the national security challenge of UFOs. Currently he serves as an SCU (Scientific Coalition for UAP studies) Board Member and has been leading a study team devoted to applying intentions analysis techniques to UAP activities in both the military and public domains. The team has published two peer reviewed papers with a third coming out this month – and a fourth in progress. is a 501(C)3 Non-Profit Organization that relies solely on donations to operate. All members are non-paid volunteers. Northland MUFON is a Chapter of The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Northland MUFON is a cooperative Chapter between North Dakota and Northern Minnesota. or MUFON is a global organization dedicated to the Scientific Study of the UFO/UAP Phenomenon for the benefit of Humanity. By Joining you will automatically become a member of the MUFON Chapter within the state that you live. If you live in Minnesota, you will automatically become a member of MN MUFON and Northland MUFON. If you live in North Dakota you will automatically become a member of Northland MUFON. Become a “ Insider” to have access to past meetings, Field Investigator Training, Historical Journals, Links to our Monthly Zoom meetings, including MN MUFON as well! Head over to and sign up now!
Learn more about the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies here: SCU