Minnesota Arrowhead UFO Landing
UFO Landing in the Minnesota Arrowhead Area. By Jerry Nelson, MUFON Field Investigator December 31, 2023 When I was a young Field investigator for The Mutual UFO Network, I sought…
UFO Landing in the Minnesota Arrowhead Area. By Jerry Nelson, MUFON Field Investigator December 31, 2023 When I was a young Field investigator for The Mutual UFO Network, I sought…
William McNeff – Former MNMUFON Director and Chief Investigator William “Bill” McNeff joined the US Army in 1955, where he received training in electronics and graduated in radar repair. He…
“Very close observation of craft, slowly at tree top level” In 1969 a witness saw an object up close and personal. Back in 1969 this witness saw something extraordinary while…
The reported appearance of the hole being melted instead of broken gave me the impression of a high energy plasma burst. This might sound odd but It was almost like it was hit by lightning.
While much has been written on the topic of the Alien Autopsy footage, most of it concentrated on the people and events involved in the footage being made public. Though these things are important to the over all picture, the footage itself deserves an evaluation as well.
More than 20 officers have responded to an advertisement in Police Review inviting them to recount their close encounters of the third kind. These include stories of alien abduction and gigantic blocks of light hovering above their squad cars.
In the last months, the number of cases increased frightfully. In practically all the cities of this region people are seeing flying saucers. The objects appear publicly, being seen by many witnesses at the same time.